Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3/10 Picks

Brian Cox - BCOX

BCOX will be appearing in the Planet of the Apes reboot Rise of the Apes, pushing Red (2008) out of TAG range. Red grossed only $3,176, meaning BCOX's TAG will be $17.56, while his price is only $14.78, meaning a guaranteed gain of $0.78 per share. Not too significant, except for the fact that Rise of the Apes has high expectations in the box office. The film is currently trading at $109.11 on HSX. If the film were to hit $100 million, BCOX would adjust to $37.56 per share, a gain of $22.78 per share. But even if the film is a flop, you will have a guaranteed gain with BCOX in just about half a year.

Friday, November 19, 2010

11/19/10 Picks

John Hurt - JHURT

I'm going to break the cardinal rule of this blog. I have always offered HSX stock tips that are 100% guaranteed, with no chance at failure. This pick is not 100% guaranteed, but it is too good of an opporunity to ignore, so I feel the need to share it. JHURT has done a number of small films recently, after appearing in the most recent Indiana Jones installment and the Hellboy sequel. However, his next two roles will be in the final Harry Potter films, and there has been no film series more certain to win big HSX bucks than Harry Potter. JHURT is currently trading at $13.28, with a TAG of $437,115. This means that Harry Potter needs to make only approximately $65 million in order to break even. Since the last Harry Potter film topped $300 million, this is definitely worth the bet. If the newest Potter film crossed the $250 million max threshold for Starbonds, JHURT will reach $50.44, a gain of $37.16 per share, nearly three times the current value of JHURT. And with another Potter film on the way early next year, JHURT will likely gain over $80 per share in less than a year. This one is a must buy, even though it's not a sure thing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11/03/10 Picks

Walter Salles - WSALL

Once again, a director offers a great chance for a guaranteed windfall. WSALL's last HSX credit was in 2007, and thus his price has fallen to $4.27, despite having a TAG of $10,549,271. He is currently working on an adaption of the Jack Kerouac classic On the Road, and when the film debuts it will knock Central Station out of TAG range. This will push WSALL to a minimum of $9.43, a gain of $5.16 per share, more than doubling in value with zero risk. It may take awhile, but one can max out on WSALL for only $85,400, and walk away with a guaranteed minimum of $188,600, with the room for much more if the film is successful.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/2010 Picks

Rob Cohen - RCOHE

As is the fate of most directors on HSX, RCOHE has fallen well below his TAG due to the long period of inactivity between films. His TAG is $90,920,817, while his price is a paltry $58.03. Once his next film comes out and The Skulls is knocked out of TAG range, RCOHE will adjust to a minimum of $83.92 per share, or $25.89 per share (44.6%). It's not at all certain when his next film will come out yet, but with a guarantee of 44.6% and an average gap of only two to three years between films, RCOHE will be a large payday if you can afford to hold onto the stock for awhile.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14/10 Picks

John Cho - JCHO

JCHO, better known as Harold (of Harold and Kumar fame), offers a large potential for growth if you're willing to hold onto a stock for awhile. JCHO is currently trading at $49.54, with a TAG of $57,643,258. When his next film is released, his TAG will adjust to a minimum of $57.64, offering a fain of $8.10 per share, or 16.4%. This normally would not be worth the investment, since HSX does not list his next film coming out for almost two years. However, his next film is set to be Star Trek 2. Should the sequel make even half what its predecessor grossed, JCHO would reach $83.34, a gain of 68.2%. This is speculation, of course, but since you are guaranteed 16.4% in just under two years, there is no risk to this investment with a huge potential for reward.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/16/10 Picks

Andy Dick - ADICK

ADICK will appear later this year in Hoodwinked Too, which will replace The Aristocrats in TAG range. The Aristocrats earned only $6,377,277 in theatres, and thus when the TAG adjusts ADICK will reach a guaranteed minimum of $19.00. Since ADICK is currently trading at $12.93 per share, this translates to a $6.07 per share gain, or 46.9%, in roughly 4 months, absolutely guaranteed. And if Hoodwinked can match the success of its predecessor, ADICK could more than double in value in just a few short months.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13/10 Picks

Jessica Lucas - JELUC

Since she appeared in Cloverfield, JELUC has not appeared in a TAG film, causing her price to drop to $27.50 from a TAG of $45,671,346. In February, 2011, she will appear in the new Big Momma movie. When this film is adjusted, her TAG will adjust to a minimum of $34.25, a gain of $6.75 per share, or 24.5% guaranteed. The last Big Momma movie did over $70 million. If any of that box office magic rubs off on the new film, JELUC could jump quite a bit in about half a year.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10 Picks

Keanu Reeves - KREEV

It's been nearly two years since KREEV has appeared in a TAG'ged film, which has caused his price to fall to $23.24 from a TAG of $32,981,296. His next film to leave TAG range is Thumbsucker, which grossed just over $1 million. Thus, when KREEV adjusts upon his next film's release, it will hit a guaranteed minimum of $32.72 per share, a gain of $9.48 per share, or 40.1%. It may take awhile for KREEV to adjust, but if you can buy the maximum number of shares, you'll see your investment jump from $464,800 to at least $654,400 guaranteed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/7/10 Picks

Vincent Cassel - VCASS

VCASS is appearing in two installments of the French series Mesrine. Both are currently in limited release. Though neither is expected to do big box office, VCASS's price is $21.34, well below his TAG of $36,897,995. When VCASS adjusts for the first Mesrine film in mid-November, VCASS will adjust to a guaranteed minimum of $35.91, a gain of $14.57 per share, or 68.3% in less than 3 months. Make sure to sell the stock quickly after the adjust, however. While the second Mesrine film will not have a large impact on the TAG, since it will knock the low-grossing Irreversible out of TAG range, the December release The Black Swan will knock Ocean's Twelve out of TAG range, likely sending VCASS back down in value. Buy this stock now, but keep an eye on it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/2/10 Picks

Patrick Stewart - PSTEW

PSTEW's stock is currently at 60.39, over $24 below the TAG of $84,931,996. His next film to leave TAG range is Steamboy, which grossed only $410,388. Thus, without this film in TAG, PSTEW would adjust to $84.85, a gain of $24.46 per share over its current price. Since PSTEW will appear in Gnomeo & Juliet in February, 2011, PSTEW will gain a guaranteed minimum of 40.5% in approximately 6 months. It's hard to find a better guaranteed bet than that. And Gnomeo & Juliet, a Disney animated film, will likely do at least decent business with the potential to do great business, and thus PSTEW is a no-brainer investment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9/1/10 Picks

Dane Cook - DCOOK

DCOOK has not appeared in a film in two years, causing his price to fall to $9.13 from a TAG of $31,740,132. This means that even if his next film does not make a dime, his price will only fall to $26.05, a jump of $16.92 per share, nearly tripling in value. It's not clear when his next TAG worthy film will be released, but IMDB lists a number of films in production. If you have a medium to large portfolio and you can part with the approximately $180,000.00 it would take to max out on DCOOK and hold onto the investment for awhile, you will nearly triple your investment. It may take awhile, but if you have the money, this guaranteed investment is worth your time.

Friday, August 27, 2010

8/27/10 Picks

James Purefoy - JPURE

Not appearing in an HSX film for 6 years is the surest way to drop your price well below your actual value. JPURE has not appeared in a HSX film since 2004's Vanity Fair, and thus his stock price has fallen to $10.24, well below his TAG of $23,302,643. JPURE's next film will be PIXAR's first live action film, John Carter of Mars. Even if Carter is a flop, which is unlikely due to PIXAR's unmatched track record, JPURE will go up in value, hitting a minimum of $22.35, for a gain of $12.11 per share, more than doubling in value. And if Carter is half as big of a success as PIXAR's other films, JPURE will be the buy of the year.

Friday, August 20, 2010

8/20/10 Picks

Colin Farrell - CFARR

Next summer, CFARR will appear in Something Borrowed, pushing the excellent but low-grossing film In Bruges out of TAG range. In Bruges grossed $7,757,130, meaning CFARR will drop $1.55 from its TAG price of $14,317,994, to a price of $12.77 per share. Something Borrowed is currently trading at $35.73. The film would only need to gross $7.4 million to maintain CFARR at its current price of $14.25. If you think this is worth the risk (and any savvy HSX investor should think so), then this is a great buy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6/22/10 Picks

Julian McMahon - JMCMA

No matter how long I've been scouting for sure-thing steals on HSX, I'm still amazed by some of the amazing finds that are out there. JMCMA has a very high TAG of $111,489,502, mostly due to his appearance in the two Fantastic Four films. Yet his price is a paltry $40.42. Usually such a disparity only exists when it is unclear when the star's next film will be released. Yet JMCMA will appear in Red in October, a graphic novel adaptation starring Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman. This film has the potential to be a big box-office success, yet even if it is a dismal failure, JMCMA will still be a great investment. If Red does not make a dime, JMCMA will adjust to $83.62, a gain of $43.20 per share. It is rare to find a stock that will more than double in just over four months, but you have such an opportunity here. If you max out on JMCMA, you will gain $864,000 risk free in just over four months. And if Red is a hit, which it certainly could be, JMCMA could make much, much more.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

6/9/2010 Picks

Rob Minkoff - RMINK

As I have said many times before, directors are often the best starbonds to buy. Because of the long time between films, their prices tend to fall to ridiculously low prices, offering big gains to the astute investor. Rob Minkoff last released a film in 2008, The Forbidden Kingdom, and thus his stock price has fallen to $50.41 despite a TAG of $83,152,406. This means that even if his next film grosses $0, his TAG will adjust to $66.52, a gain of $16.11 per share. While it's unknown when his next film will be released, Flypaper is currently in production, and IMDB has it listed as coming out in 2011. Therefore, this investment will take awhile to mature, but even if it took two years, a gain of 32% over two years is not bad at all. This is not an investment if you have a small portfolio and are looking to build quickly, but if you have plenty of money and are looking for places to invest, this is a sure thing long-term investment.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

6/8/2010 Picks

Jenna Fischer - JFISC

Though JFISC's new film Solitary Man has thus far grossed very little money ($439,889 as of June 6th,) once JFISC adjusts in August, it will be pushing Slither out of TAG range. Even if Solitary Man does not gross another penny, the adjust would push JFISC to $1.47 below the current TAG. However, JFISC is currently trading $7.24 below her TAG, meaning that the adjust, though negative, would actually raise the price to $27.64, a gain of $5.77 per share, or 26.4%, in only a couple of months. Just make sure to sell it as soon as it adjusts, because the next film to fall out of TAG range will be the very successful Blades of Glory.

Friday, June 4, 2010

6/4/10 Picks

Guillermo Del Toro - GDELT

Due to his recent announcement that he will no longer be directing The Hobbit, it seems a strange time to recommend buying GDELT. However, the stock has not suffered much as a result of the announcement (it is currently trading at $34.42, down from a year high of $37.42. GDELT at either price is undervalued. GDELT's TAG is $50,962,564, and the next film to be pushed out of TAG range is The Devil's Backbone, which grossed only $754,749. This means that even if GDELT's next film does not make a dime, his adjusted price would be $50.81, a $16.39 per share gain (47.6%). While directing The Hobbit would likely have more than doubled his price, GDELT is still a good buy. GDELT tends to make a movie every year or two, so although his price likely won't jump as high as it would have for The Hobbit, you can expect a quicker return on your investment than you would have if he continued to stay involved in the development hell of The Hobbit.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2/10 Picks

Taylor Hackford-THACK

As often happens with directors due to the long lag times between films, THACK is trading well below his TAG. His TAG is at $56,304,117, while his price is a paltry $20.30. His upcoming film The Love Ranch has been saddled with problems and has been delayed, but is set for release on June 30, 2010. Because THACK is trading so low, even if the film does not make a dime, THACK will adjust to a minimum of $42.23, meaning a per share gain of $21.93. So if you max out on THACK, you will gain at least $219,300.00 in a few months at zero risk.

Friday, May 28, 2010

5/28/10 Picks

Noah Taylor - NTAYL

In July, once Hey, Hey, It's Esther Blueburger adjusts after its limited release, NTAYL will adjust and Max will be pushed out of TAG range. Max made only $527,019, so even though Blueburger isn't going to gross much, the TAG at the most would fall to $61.77, from its current TAG of $61,871,205. Since NTAYL is currently trading at $47.45, NTAYL stands to gain $14.32 per share.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5/14/10 Picks

TV Stocks

Now that the networks have made their decisions for their TV schedules, it's hard to believe that the HSX prices do not reflect the decisions that have already been made. Yet, there are major deficiencies to exploit.

TV Stocks pay $1 per original episode that airs before May 31, 2010.

The Cleveland Show - CLVLND
CLVLND is currently trading at $16.01. 19 episodes have already aired, and the 21st and final episode of the season is set to air on May 23rd. This will push CLVLND to $21.00, for a $4.99 per share gain.

Community - COMUNT
COMUNT is currently at $19.67, though 24 episodes have aired and the 25th episode airs May 20th. This will put the stock at $25.00, for a $5.33 per share gain.

Cougar Town - COUGAR

COUGAR is trading at $20.17, and the 24th episode is set to air May 19th. This means a gain of $3.83 per share.

FlashForward - FLSFWD
Though it's been rumored that the show has been axed, the final episode is set to air May 27th, the show's 22nd episode. With a price of 17.44, this is a gain of $4.56 per share.

The Good Wife - GDWIFE
GDWIFE's 23rd episode is set to air May 25th, yet it is only trading at $17.57. This translates to a gain of $5.43 per share.

Mercy - MERCYN
MERCYN has already aired the entirety of its 22 episode first season, yet its price remains at $14.32. Thus a gain of $7.68 per share is in its future.

The Middle - MIDDLE
MIDDLE's 24th episode will air on May 19th, yet the stock is trading at a stunningly low $13.02 per share. This will offer a $10.98 per share gain.

Modern Family - MODFAM
MODFAM's 24th episode airs May 19th. The stock is close to reflecting its value, but still offers a small gain. MODFAM currently trades at $22.42, so a gain of $1.58 is available. This is still a gain of 7%.

NCIS: Los Angeles
NCISLA will air it's 24th episode on May 25th, but is trading at $19.26. This means a gain of $4.74 per share.

Parenthood - PRNTHD

PRNTHD had a short season, but will air its 13th episode on May 25th. It currently trades at $11.89, so there is only $1.11 up for grabs here.

VACTV also had a short season, and will air its 12th episode on May 18th. It is trading at $12.37, so if you SHORT this stock, you are guaranteed $0.37 per share.

The Vampire Diaries - VAMPDI
The Vampire Diaries is trading at $18.35, despite having already aired the entirety of its 22 episode first season, meaning a gain of $3.65 per share is guaranteed.

The gains on these stocks seems small, but if you buy the maximum of 10,000 shares for each of these stocks, you will gain $542,500 in 17 days (26.8%).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

5/13/10 Picks

James Van Der Beek - JVDBE

First, let me apologize for the long lapse since my last post. I started a new job, and have been very busy. Yet my HSX portfolio has continued to grow because of the long-term investments I made. While going through my portfolio to get rid of the dead weight, I found the opportunity to make money off of James Van Der Beek.

Van Der Beek appeared in the film Formosa Betrayed, which will cash out on May 17th. Because Formosa Betrayed will make under $500,000 and will replace Varsity Blues, which made $52,894,169, JVDBE will fall at least $10.47 per share, to $7.55. The current stock price is $7.88. This is only approximately a 4% gain, which is not significant. However, only two weeks later, JVDBE will adjust again to reflect the cashing out of Stolen. Stolen has made only $7,306.00 so far, and is unlikely to make much more. The film replaces Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back , which made $30,059,386. If Stolen reaches $50,000, which is unlikely, JVDBE will fall $6.00 per share. Assuming the earlier approximation of $7.55 holds up, this will put the stock at $1.55, a gain of 80.3%. That's a no-brainer.